From 9-to-5 to Worldwide: How to Become a Digital Nomad 

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    Are you driven by the idea of becoming a digital nomad?

    Maybe you want to work from anywhere, explore the world, and be in control of your own schedule and your own life?

    Possibly —

    • Move countries every 3 months?

    • Base yourself in Portugal to travel anywhere in Europe? 

    • Work from Peru on your own schedule?

    Well, why not, and YES PLEASE!


    As a serial solopreneur, I've done the thing of working toward my dreams while traveling the globe. I’ve worked from over twelve countries, from taking business meetings in Istanbul to working a virtual event in Budapest. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not always glamorous — bad wifi, loneliness, and overwhelm are typical struggles of digital nomads.

    Understanding the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

    The digital nomad lifestyle gains more and more attention every year. The concept captivates people around the world, including yours truly. (Hi, I’m the nomad, it’s me.)

    It offers the freedom to design a life on our own terms, while we get to explore new destinations and working toward something we’re passionate about.

    Setting the Foundation for Success

    So you wanna be a digital nomad?

    First, you’ll need to reflect on your own personal path and the driving forces behind your desire to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle.

    WHY do you want this lifestyle? Getting clear on your goals will help you stay committed to making it happen, even on those days of discouragement (we all have ‘em!).

    For me, it was a desire for freedom and flexibility, the opportunity to blend my love of connection and service, and my passion for travel.

    Identify your own motivations and clarify your vision before getting started.

    This will save a lot of time and energy down the line!

    Need help with defining your core values? I made you something! Grab your free worksheet here:

    Discovering your own Digital Nomad Path

    Real talk: While it is indeed possible to work for remote-first companies and lead a digital nomad lifestyle, it's important to note that you might still be subject to the policies and decisions of the company you work for

    • There is always a chance of being called back to the office unexpectedly (happening more and more! it even has a name now - RTO - Return to Office)

    • And, unless you work for a globally adept organization well-versed in international tax laws, you may be limited to legally working only from the country where your organization is based.

    With that in mind, this post is primarily aimed toward passionate solopreneurs who want to work for themselves, either as a freelancer, creator, business owner or 7-fig mega success 😜


    As a member of tons of different digital nomad online communities, I see a lot of questions like:

    • What are some remote jobs I can do with no experience?

    • As digital nomads, what do you think are the ‘easiest’ remote jobs to get? 

    • Should I find a remote job or work for myself to be a digital nomad?

    • What do digital nomads do for a living?

    Within the digital nomad entrepreneur lifestyle, there are plenty of opportunities to pursue.

    Below are a few roles that, depending on your unique skills, interests, and background, could be viable options for you to pursue on your path to becoming a digital nomad.

    Note: This list is most definitely NOT exhaustive - there are LOTS more options out there!

    What are some good roles for a digital nomad?

    01. Social Media Manager

    If you have a knack for crafting captivating online stories and connecting with people, consider becoming a social media manager. You can help businesses build their online presence, curate engaging content, and foster a thriving online community— while savoring the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world.

    02. Online Language Teacher

    If you're a language enthusiast, leverage your linguistic skills and become an online language teacher. This digital nomad path allows you to connect with students worldwide, share your knowledge, and make a positive impact while immersing yourself in new cultures.

    This one has become harder to find well-paying jobs in recent years, but there are still opportunities out there.

    03. Virtual Wellness Coach

    Passionate about health and wellness? As a virtual wellness coach, you can empower others to prioritize their well-being, no matter where they (or you) are in the world. You can create customized programs, offer online consultations, and inspire people to live healthier lives, all while nurturing your own well-being on the road.

    04. Copywriter

    As a copywriter, you can leverage your writing skills to create client-converting content for businesses and clients from around the world. Whether it's writing engaging blog posts, landing or sales pages, or attention-grabbing social media captions, the flexibility of this profession allows you to work remotely while exploring new destinations.

    05.  Virtual Assistant

    As a virtual assistant, you can provide administrative, creative, or technical support to clients remotely.

    From managing schedules and emails to handling social media accounts and conducting research, the diverse nature of virtual assistant work allows you to customize your services to your skills and interests while enjoying the freedom to work from anywhere.

    Plus, there are now virtual assistant agencies out there to join if you’re not quite ready to branch out on your own yet.

    06. Digital Marketer

    With the astronomical rise of online businesses, the demand for digital marketing experts has skyrocketed. As a digital marketer, you can specialize in one service, or offer broader support across the board.

    You’ll help businesses increase their online presence, drive traffic to their websites, and increase sales through various strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising.

    Note: If you have a natural inclination but want to develop the specialized skills to become a digital marketing pro, check out Jelly Academy’s Digital Marketing Bootcamp. It’s Canadian-based, but still relevant no matter where you’re based.  This course is PACKED with info! I loved this course.


    So you know you want to be a digital nomad. And you know a path you want to pursue.

    But how to actually, you know, get started?

    Here are a couple ideas for ya to get your gears turning:

    1. Explore specialized courses in your field of interest to enhance your knowledge and skills. Check out platforms like Udemy, which offer a wide range of valuable courses. If feasible, consider investing in learning from industry experts rather than relying solely on fragmented strategies.

    2. Build connections with professionals who share your passion and goals. Utilize online platforms such as Facebook groups, Reddit, Threads, or TikTok to connect with like-minded individuals in your industry.

    3. Consistency is key. I wholeheartedly believe that maintaining consistency is vital for success. Even during moments of imposter syndrome, discouragement, or confusion, staying consistent can make a significant difference.

      Keep working on your projects, big or small. Here's a secret: the most successful individuals often achieve their goals not because they are the smartest or most talented (though there are exceptions), but because they exhibit unwavering consistency.

      (Consistency is something I struggle with and have to make a concerted effort to always keep top of mind. If you also struggle, I feel your pain! And I also know that you can do it.)

    Embrace the Work (and the Journey)

    Before you begin your empire building dream-making digital nomad adventure (heck yeah!), it's important to acknowledge that no matter which path you choose, building a successful self-employed business requires dedication, hard work, and continuous learning. 

    Read that again:

    Building a successful self-employed business requires dedication, hard work, and continuous learning. 


    There are not get-rich-quick schemes for extremely lucrative passive income streams.

    Sure, there’s the occasional luck, or an amazing story. But but most people who succeed in becoming successful entrepreneurial digital nomads do so through qualities like: 

    • Dedication

    • Resilience 

    • Consistency 

    • Risk-taking

    • Passion for your chosen field

    • Commitment to learning

    • Growth mindset

    And I’m gonna be totally honest with you: there’s also the survivorship bias factor. You’re only hearing from people who got successful, usually through a combination of the above qualities, luck, privilege, and maybe a little neurotypical advantage.

    Take what you can from the leaders you look up to, and keep going when it’s hard, but know that just because someone carved out a successful path in 2018 doesn’t mean what worked for them will work for you now, today, in a different landscape with different skills, talents and abilities.

    Working ON the Business

    Okay, sorry for the downer. Moving on to the next step!

    As a digital entrepreneur, you'll not only be working IN your business, but also working ON your business.

    This means investing time and effort into building your brand, developing a solid online presence, and honing your skills. You'll need to strategize, create systems, and constantly adapt to the online business landscape to ensure your own business grows and thrives. What does that mean? To work for yourself, you’ll have to do a bit of everything - sales, marketing, content, business strategy - oh, and actually produce the work.

    It’s a lot, which is why it isn’t for everybody, but it’s worth it if you really crave the location independent lifestyle.

    Finding Your Zone of Genius

    Check out the concept of ‘Zone of Genius’—the intersection of your passions, skills, and what the market demands.

    Identify the unique value you bring to the table and carve out a niche that allows you to stand out. This self-discovery process may be long, and requires experimentation, continuous learning, and embracing (or at least accepting) both successes and failures along the way. Zone of Genius is a book written by and term coined by Gay Hendricks (who I love!) here is his book.

    How to Find Clients as a Digital Nomad

    While the allure of exotic locations may be tempting 🏝️ — don't forget that finding clients is a vital aspect of sustaining your digital nomad lifestyle. Cultivating a solid client base requires active networking, effective marketing, and building strong relationships with your target audience.

    Don't shy away from putting yourself out there!

    Where to Find Jobs As A Digital Nomad

    Here’s a non-comprehensive list of freelance digital nomad job opportunity resources to help you get started on your journey:

    Success as a self-employed digital nomad is friggin’ hard. It requires hard work, determination, ability to adapt, and sometimes a bit of luck or privilege.

    It’s not for the faint of heart. But if you know it’s something you want to pursue, I really encourage you to go for it.

    Shoot me an email if you want encouragement, support, or, hey, a website!


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