Community Box Review: Member Directory for Your Squarespace Site

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    Looking to showcase a member directory on a Squarespace website? Maybe you’re working with:

    • your city's chamber of commerce

    • a local neighborhood association

    • a bustling farmers market

    • a coworking space

    • an online community

    • an educational hub

    • a community center

    … and you really want a way for your members to be displayed and searchable on the website, but you haven’t found anything that works yet.

    I’ve been there, and I totally get it.

    It can be a bit of a puzzle.

    Squarespace doesn’t really have the native capacity to display member sites, unfortunately.


    I was looking for this exact thing for a neighborhood association I was working with.

    Luckily, a Facebook group I’m in is filled with knowledgeable designs, and one of the members let me know about Community Box. She hadn’t had the chance to use it yet, but she sent me the link to check out. And I am here to report back

    🥁 Drum roll, please!

    Let me introduce you to… Community Box!

    The good, the bad, and the in between, haha.

    What is Community Box?

    Community Box is a directory tool for websites, designed to boost member engagement and simplify user searches by allowing members to add and edit their own profiles.

    With features like an interactive map display, customized filters, and mobile optimization, it offers a streamlined experience for both members and website visitors.

    This tool is useful for both Squarespace users and web designers. It helps community groups and marketers, although it has its own set of features, advantages, and disadvantages to consider.

    Community Box Pricing

    • Starter (Free): Targeted at brand new or small communities, Community Box’s starter level supports up to 25 entries. Core features include website embedding, map views, and the display of a "Powered by Community Box" badge.

    • Growing ($9/Month or $99/Year): For slightly larger communities or communities experiencing growth, Community Box offers up to 100 entries. And it grants more customization, including removing the Community Box badge.

    • Pro ($19/Month or $199/Year): Catering to expansive communities, this accommodates up to 1,000 entries, bundling the features of the previous tiers with added capacity.

    • Nonprofit ($159/Year): Designed especially for nonprofit organizations to boost their community engagement, the nonprofit tier provides the benefits of the 'Pro' tier at a discounted price.

    pricing levels of community box at time of publication

    Pros of Using Community Box on Squarespace

    01. User-Friendly Interface

    Both website owners and community members will find Community Box fairly simple and easy to navigate, simplifying the process of adding or editing member profiles.

    02. Mobile Optimization

    Designed to be responsive, Community Box ensures a consistent and seamless user experience across devices, ensuring when a visitor lands on your site from their mobile phone or tablet, they have a good experience.

    03. Map Integration

    Their Maps integration is an awesome feature. It provides an interactive visual representation, allowing users to locate and view members based on geographical locations. You can also filter categories, so unique businesses show up on each page of a website, using the same main directory.

    04. Customization and Branding

    Community Box offers tools for customization for brand colors, enabling businesses and communities to align the directory with their brand's aesthetics and identity.

    05. Self-Service Editing

    Members can add and edit their own profiles, ensuring the directory remains up-to-date without the need for constant manual updates by the website owner or web designer. Signing up or logging in to your account is straightforward.

    Cons of Using Community Box on Squarespace

    01. Navigational Challenges in UX Design

    The user interface can be somewhat hard to navigate, making it challenging for users to find what they're looking for easily.

    02. Multiple Logins Required

    For those using the Squarespace Members Area, integrating Community Box might mean members have to manage multiple logins, leading to potential confusion.

    03. Search Functionality

    While the platform has an interactive map feature, its search capability has been reported to be less efficient, especially when trying to locate nearby listings.

    04. Trial Mode Limitations

    While the Squarespace website is in trial mode, you can't invite members directly, meaning you either have to manually create a spreadsheet and upload all members or wait until the website is live. This could be a drawback for those who want to get their community up and running before the website goes live.

    Beyond Squarespace

    Community Box isn't limited to Squarespace. It also integrates with other platforms like Weebly, Webflow, and Memberspace. I haven’t used it anywhere else so can’t vouch for it anywhere else though!


    Is Community Box Right for You or Your Client?

    Community Box may a good fit for:

    01. Community Organizations

    Community Box is obviously ideal for community organizations, such as chambers of commerce, clubs, and neighborhood associations, looking to showcase their members or participants in an organized and visually appealing directory.

    02. Web Designers

    Web designers working with the above community organizations can easily implement Community Box into their clients’ websites, providing them with a user-friendly solution for featuring their community members.

    03. Nonprofit Organizations

    With a discounted nonprofit pricing tier, it's also an excellent fit for nonprofit organizations aiming to engage their community while working within budget constraints.

    Community Box may not be a good fit for:

    01. Highly Customized Design Needs

    If you have super specialized design or functionality requirements, you may need a more customized solution.

    02. VIsitors Not Comfortable with Integration

    If you’re not comfortable with the tech behind integrating third-party tools into your Squarespace website, the process of setting up and managing Community Box might be overwhelming at first.

    03. Budget-Constrained People

    While Community Box offers a free plan and a nonprofit discount, some people or orgs with extremely limited budgets but a large number of members may find even the discounted options a barrier.

    04. Enterprise-Level Websites

    For large enterprise-level websites with complex structures and requirements, Community Box may not offer the scalability and enterprise-level features needed for such sites.

    Final Thoughts

    I have found that while Community Box offers valuable features and the support team and founders are very helpful, the UX design of the site itself can be somewhat challenging to navigate, and processes may not be crystal clear.

    Overall, if you’re looking for a member directory for a Squarespace website, Community Box is a great option.

    It has limitations, but it’s current array of features, including the integrated map options and ability to feature members per page, can upgrade a standard Squarespace website into a vibrant community hub. They’ve definitely filled a gap in the market!

    Want an example? Check out Shop Small PDX for a great example of Community Box in action.


    Partnering with business owners and creators to grow successful businesses through strategic web design services and easy-to-use digital tools, templates and guides.

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