July 2023 Recap

Table of Contents Show


    July was a slow month on the client front, but it’s been buzzing 🐝behind the scenes!

    I’ve been working on learning more in-depth SEO best practices, taking a marvelous graphic design course, lightly updating my website’s copy and design, and trying to talk myself into filming more videos and potentially creating a YouTube channel (Jury’s still out on that one).


    1. Newsletter launch

      I finally bit the bullet and launched the dang thing. I’ve been sharing web design tips, business resources, travel snippets, nifty tidbits, email subscriber-only news and special deals, and then whatever else I feel like. Because it’s my newsletter, gosh darn.

      I’m actually enjoying it a lot! I’m hoping to get to 50 subscribers by the end of August (I’m halfway there!), so if you haven’t subscribed yet and you’d like to, subscribe here to my newsletter.

    2. Client work

      I wrapped up a client site for a property management and vacation rental company. Since I was working on the site while finishing my SEO course, I also included keyword research, competitor analysis, and advanced onsite optimization for free.

      And I’m happy to share that her online presence has improved significantly and she now has eight new keywords ranking in the top 100 within the past month. Pretty cool what SEO can do!



    I finished the SEO for Copywriting course and passed the 100-question certification exam on the first try. You’re now lookin’ at a SEO copywriting certified web designer 💃


    • With the advent of starting my newsletter, I’ve decided to publish only one blog post a week (down from two/week). I was regularly posting new posts on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but now Tuesdays are newsletter days and Thursdays are blog post days. This feels manageable!

    • I’m revamping my web design offerings to offer a greater array of services and price points. Hoping to launch them this week, fingers crossed 🤞

    Getting stuck on your homepage header? Swipe my 5-Step Website Tagline Planner here 👇



    I basically only read mystery books this month 😆 (Nothing like reading a thriller while out camping in the woods late at night, lol. I read 2.5 of these on my backpacking trip).

    I did finish ‘How To Get To The Top of Google’ which was PACKED with great tips and actionable items. Wholeheartedly recommend.

    July Books Read

    • 2 mysteries

    • 1 thriller

    • 1 romantic fiction

    • 1 business book



    • In early July, friends from the Netherlands came to visit and I had a blast spending time with them and their son.

    • In late July, I went on a 4 day, 3 night backpacking trip in the Oregon wilderness with friends. My longest hike ever, it clocked in at 50 miles. We started at the top of Mt Hood and hiked down to the Columbia River. It was absolutely gorgeous.



    • Little gem salad with red onion, avocado, fresh herbs, vegan ranch, and vegan bacon-flavored mini croutons

    • Learning more about graphic design

    • (Podcast) Duped: The Dark Side of Online Business

    • Strawberry watermelon Polar water

    • My seasonal Spotify playlist:




    How was your month? Takin’ it easy breezy, or been workin’ hard? Hope it was glorious, whatever you got up to!


    Partnering with business owners and creators to grow successful businesses through strategic web design services and easy-to-use digital tools, templates and guides.


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    How to Change the Squarespace Icon