Web Design 101: Essential Elements You Should Know

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    Hey hey friends!

    Navigating the world of web design can be overwhelming, ESPECIALLY if you’ve got a ton of to-do’s on your plate. But I’m gonna share some of the most key things for you here.

    You've got a vision, a dream, and a message to share – and a (custom and values-aligned) website is just the tool you need to make it happen.

    So, let's break down the essentials to make sure your site look goods and truly speaks to your audience and aligns with your brand.


    01. Understand UI/UX principles for a seamless user experience

    Mastering the principles of UI/UX is fundamental in web design.

    But first, what is UI/UX?

    UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) are dual essential components of websites (and more, but that’s a story for another day. ) UX is the journey – it's all about ensuring your site is a joy to navigate, accessible to everyone, and leaves users feeling satisfied. On the flip side, UI is concerned with the visual aspects – think eye-catching color schemes, engaging interactivity, and a consistent on-brand style.

    Together, they craft an online experience that's not just functional but engaging, making sure your audience doesn't just stop by, or bounce ASAP, but sticks around and stays awhile.

    Properly aligned design elements meet user expectations, providing a sense of familiarity and trust.

    For example, placing the navigation menu at the top of the page is a common practice, and users will know what to expect when looking for the navigation menu. Prioritizing clarity and simplicity in your layouts ensures users can easily navigate your site.

    01. Align design elements to user expectations: Placing a logo in the top left and a contact form at the bottom are examples of alignment with user expectations.

    02. Prioritize clarity and simplicity in layouts: A minimalist design with clear headings aids in effortless navigation.

    03. Use white space effectively for a clean look: Adequate spacing between text and images enhances readability.

    02. Prioritize responsive design for mobile and desktop

    A responsive site is non-negotiable in today's multi-device world. That’s just a fact!

    Making sure your website works well on all devices improves user experience. For example, a website that rearranges content smoothly provides a consistent experience on various devices.

    01. Make sure your site is accessible on all screen sizes: A website that adjusts to fit a smartphone or a large monitor ensures a consistent user experience.

    Luckily, Squarespace natively offers mobile and desktop design, though tablet is not, as of this writing, available to test for. That said, their built-in functionality does include a lot of thoughtful responsive design — more than other design platforms like Showit or Wix.

    02. Use media queries for adaptability: Responsive design techniques like media queries allow your site to adjust gracefully. Squarespace does this well for you, but you’re able to customize at a deeper level as well.

    What’s a media query?

    I’m going to link here to one of my Squarespace coding geniuses I admire for a deeper dive into media queries, along with swipeable code, since homegirl has got the knowledge to help you.

    03. Test your design across multiple devices: Regular testing on different screens helps in identifying and fixing potential issues quickly.


    03. Focus on clear navigation and easy-to-find information

    Effective navigation is a cornerstone of a user-friendly website.

    Descriptive menu items and clear CTAs (Call to Action) guide users smoothly. Implementing a search feature, especially for large sites, makes information retrieval quick.

    A site that optimizes for fast page load times, for instance by compressing images, ensures users access information without delay, leading them less likely to bounce.

    01. Use descriptive menu items and clear CTAs: Labels like "Contact Us" and "Shop Now" are straightforward and direct. No need to get fancy or vague.

    One of my own personal pet peeves (that I myself am guilty of sometimes) is the ubiquitous ‘Work With Me’. Some use it for their portfolio, some for services, and some for a contact page. That leads to confusion, and as the saying goes, ‘the confused mind never buys’. So be clear & direct! 🫡

    02. Implement a search feature for large sites: A search bar can quickly lead users to the information they seek. Squarespace has a built-in search bar, and I recommend to my clients to put it in the footer, so it’s accessible on every page. Between you and me, it’s not the best search bar, but it does work.

    03. Optimize page load times for quick access: Reducing server response time and compressing images can SIGNIFICANTLY improve load times.

    → Read more here: How To Optimize Images in Squarespace

    04. Utilize high-quality images and consistent branding

    Visually appealing and consistent branding demonstrates your site's credibility

    Choosing relevant images that resonate with your content enhances your message. Ensuring that your logo, color schemes, and fonts are cohesive across all pages establishes a strong brand identity. A consistent font style and color palette create a harmonious look and feel.

    01. Opt for visually appealing and relevant images: High-quality images should complement and enhance your content.

    02. Ensure logo and color schemes are cohesive across pages: Consistency in visuals reinforces brand recognition.

    03. Keep fonts consistent and legible: Easy-to-read fonts ensure your message is communicated clearly.

    05. Implement strong SEO practices from the start

    Optimizing for SEO from the onset lays the foundation for a successful website.

    Strategic use of keywords in content and meta tags aids in visibility on search engines. Yes, even still, in this wild new age of AI. Creating valuable content that answers user questions positions your site as a valuable resource and retains visitors once they find your site.

    01. Use keywords strategically in content and meta tags: Including relevant keywords ensures your site shows up in search results.

    02. Ensure your site loads quickly for better rankings: Search engines, like Google, factor in load times when ranking sites.

    03. Create valuable content that answers user queries: Regularly updated, informative content attracts and retains visitors. Position yourself as the expert in your field, and provide relevant, useful, and helpful content.

    Understanding these web design essentials enables you to create a compelling and on-brand website.

    Combining aesthetics and functionality makes sure your website is both beautiful and practical.

    01. Combines aesthetics and functionality: A visually appealing site that works smoothly keeps users engaged.

    02. Tailors your site to your target audience's needs: Understanding your audience ensures your design resonates with them, and they’ll stick around longer or sign up your newsletter.

    03. Enhances user engagement and business growth: A user-friendly site can lead to higher conversion rates.

    With these tips, you're ready to create a site that stands out and serves both your business and your audience effectively.

    So there you have it, friends!

    Navigating the essentials of web design — beyond just making your website look pretty — is smart for business owners seeking to establish a strong digital presence. Your website is a pivotal piece of your total marketing strategy — make it count and create something strategic, personality-packed, and amazing!


    Partnering with business owners and creators to grow successful businesses through strategic web design services and easy-to-use digital tools, templates and guides.


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