So You Have a Website. Now What?

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    So you have a website. But, now what?

    Well, first of all, congratulations! 🥳 It's a big step, and you should feel proud.


    But now that your site is live, you might be wondering: Well, NOW what do I do? 🤔

    If you're feeling stuck or unsure about how to make your website work for you, you're not alone. A LOT of people I’ve talked with find themselves in this exact situation.

    Any of this sound familiar?

    • You spent weeks (or months) building your website, but you're not getting any inquiries

    • Your site looks great, but it feels like no one can find it

    • You're not sure if your content is hitting the mark with your ideal clients

    • You feel overwhelmed by all the marketing advice out there

    • You're not seeing a return on your investment in your website

    • You're starting to wonder if you've just created an expensive digital business card that no one can even find

    If you're nodding along, don't worry.

    I've got four practical, actionable steps to help you turn your website into something that works for you:

    01. Yes, SEO. Do it.

    I know, I know. I talk about SEO all the time, but that's because it's still one of the most popular ways to get found and be seen. Optimize your content so people can find you.


    • Add meta titles and descriptions to all your pages (like home, about, services, contact, etc)

    • Start a blog and consistently write about topics your audience cares about. Even if it’s just a month, that’s OK! Regular, quality content shows search engines that your site is active and relevant. Plus it gives you content to repurpose on socials, Pinterest, your newsletter, etc.

    • Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Keywords Everywhere to find what people are searching for and use those keywords throughout your site and your blog.

    → More SEO resources:

    → More blogging resources:​

    Need help getting your business basics in order? Grab you free checklist here ↓

    02. Get found of Social

    More and more people are using social platforms like TikTok, YouTube and Insta Reels to research and find information. If you're an elder millenial or gen x like me, you mighttttt be a little resistant.

    But I encourage you to break outside the box. Your website is your home base, but social media is where people will actually find you.


    • Choose one social platform where your ideal clients hang out. Don't try to be everywhere at once - that's a recipe for burnout.

    • Create content that answers common questions or entertains your audience. If you're not comfortable on camera, try voiceovers or slideshow-style content.

    • Be consistent. Post regularly, even if it's just once or twice a week. Consistency matters more than perfection.

    The goal is to provide value and build connections. Your social media presence should complement your website, not replace it.

    03. Create an irresistible lead magnet

    Most website visitors won't be ready to buy or commit right away. That's why you need a way to stay connected with them. Enter the lead magnet: a free resource that offers a quick win for your audience.


    Create a lead magnet!

    The most popular and highest performing lead magnets as of August 2024 are:

    • 5 day email course

    • 1-page cheat sheet

    • Checklist

    • Quiz

    Pick one and set it up with an email sign-up form on your website. This allows you to build your email list and nurture relationships with potential clients over time.

    04. Optimize Your Website for Conversions

    Now that we've covered ways to attract traffic and grow your audience, let's talk about converting those visitors into leads or clients. After all, what good is traffic if it's not helping your business grow?

    Here are some key areas to focus on:

    • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Every page on your site should have a clear next step for visitors. Whether it's "Book a Call," "Sign Up for My Newsletter," or "Browse Services," make it obvious what you want people to do next.

    • Streamlined Navigation: Make it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for. Use clear, descriptive labels for your menu items in your top navigation menu and keep your structure simple.

    • Mobile Optimization: With more people browsing on their phones, your site needs to look good and function well on mobile devices. Test your site on different devices and screen sizes to ensure a smooth experience. On Squarespace, make sure you click the little mobile icon in the upper right corner to update and fine-tune the mobile design.

    • Fast Loading Speed: People are impatient online. If your site takes too long to load, visitors will leave. Optimize your images, minimize plugins, and consider using a caching plugin to speed things up.

    • Converting Copy: Your website copy should speak directly to your ideal client's needs and desires. Focus on the benefits you offer, not just the features of your services. A good trick here is to use your own client’s words. If you have testimonials, look at what they’re saying about you, and use common themes in your copy.

    • Social Proof: Include testimonials, case studies, or client logos to build trust with potential clients. Show them that others have had success working with you.

    Here are some more resources for a deeper dive:

    You'll see these are a mix of ATTRACTING traffic, GROWING your audience, and OPTIMIZING your website to convert.

    Following these steps will get you on the path to start attracting & converting more clients, making sure your website is more than an expensive online business card.


    Partnering with business owners and creators to grow successful businesses through strategic web design services and easy-to-use digital tools, templates and guides.

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