Be Your Own Boss: How to Start Working for Yourself and Design a Life You Love

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    That 9-5 hustle... it's something, isn't it?

    Ever find yourself clocking in hours dictated by someone else? Maybe you're stuck in an office when you could totally rock that job from the comfort of your couch, thank you very much.

    Dreaming of that boss-free life?

    The one where you call the shots, pick your hours, and design a life that has YOU written all over it?

    If you're nodding along, I feel ya. Been there, done that. 👩‍💻

    Now, don't get me wrong. Working a regular job has its perks - hello, health benefits and steady pay! And having co-workers to socialize and commiserate with - yes please. And did I mention the steady pay? 😅

    But there's something about that siren song of breaking free, dodging that dreadful commute, and steering your own ship towards a life that's perfectly in sync with your dreams.


    I get it, because I've been there too.

    I craved that autonomy, the freedom to sculpt my day, my life, exactly how I envisioned. The thought of another commute made my stomach churn.

    So, I took a leap of faith. I took the steps necessary to carve out my own path and become my own boss. And let me tell you, it's been everything I hoped for. I'm living a life filled with joy and purpose. I gotta be honest: it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. But it’s pretty dang great. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

    Now, I'm here to help you do the same. Let's create a life and a business that you adore.

    🦄Disclaimer: Being your own boss is not for everybody. If you’re someone who enjoys your current job and you do not want the stress of starting your own biz, no shame in that game!

    But if your heart's craving change, why not take the reins?

    Now's the perfect moment to step up, embrace your inner CEO, and craft a life you're obsessed with by launching your very own biz.



    01. Assess your skills and passions

    Before venturing into the exciting — but potentially overwhelming — world of entrepreneurship, it's important to assess your unique skills and passions.

    Take inventory of your strengths, talents, and areas of expertise.

    Ask yourself: What are you truly passionate about? Find that sweet spot where your abilities and passions collide. This becomes the cornerstone for a business that's not just successful but also deeply satisfying, paving the way for a life that's equally rich and rewarding.

    💡 During my own years in the 9-5 realm, I utilized many helpful tools. Here are some of my faves:

    • Meyers Briggs/16 personalities - It's free and fabulous. You've probably already pinpointed your personality type, since this tool is all the rage. Dive into your type, especially the career section. (Hello, fellow ENFPs! We're in good entrepreneurial company. Curious about your type? Drop me an email with your results!)

    • Enneagram - Free, though you’ll have to enter your email to get the full results. (I’m 2 with a 3 wing, although I also occasionally get 7 or 9 in my results.)

    • Holland Code Career Test - Another free gem, and no email needed! Straight-up results.

    • Defining Your Core Values Exercise ( I've got you covered with an article and a hands-on worksheet. Check it out right here.)

    • Orrrrr you may want to contact a career coach if you’re feeling super stuck!

    I have taken so so so many tests over the years, I can tell you exactly what just about every test will tell me I should do: (event planner ☑️ - writer ☑️ - teacher ☑️ - entrepreneur ☑️ - I’ve done ‘em all!) I have lived a lot of lives!

    But for me a lot of finding out my unique skills, talents, passions, and non-negotiables is a combination of taking tests like the above, and just real life experience trying a lot of things to find that sweet spot. I love working with people, learning new things, delivering excellent results, and starting new ventures. So here we are! In my Web Designer Era - my perfect job!


    02. Define your vision and your goals

    To craft a life you adore and thrive as your own boss, you gotta get crystal clear on your vision and lay out some attainable goals.

    Pause for a moment and paint a mental picture of your dream future. What's your personal definition of success? Remember, it's a unique journey for everyone and there's no one-size-fits-all answer.

    For many, success wears the disguise of wealth. But often, that's because wealth is a powerful stepping stone leading to what folks truly crave – whether it's time, energy, status, autonomy, protection, security, or even enlightenment.

    What does success look like to you?

    • Is it enough time to spend with your family?

    • A fabulous house in your city’s ritziest neighborhood?

    • Investing in a popcorn machine for your house?

    • Being able to have the time and energy to volunteer for causes that are important to you?

    • Being able to travel and see the world?

    • Breaking the cycle and setting your family up for generational wealth?

    Next up, let's lay down some SMART goals that vibe with your vision. And these aren't the same ol' SMART goals you might know – I've put a little twist of my own on 'em.



    S.M.A.R.T. Roadmap for New Business Owners

    S. Set Clear Goals

    Begin by defining your vision and aspirations. What do you want to achieve as an entrepreneur? Craving financial freedom, a flexible lifestyle, or maybe the chance to create real impact? By laying down clear goals, you're crafting a roadmap that steers your actions and keeps your eyes locked on that grand vision.

    M. Master Your Niche

    To thrive as your own boss, it's essential to carve out a niche for yourself in the market. Identify your strengths, passions, and unique expertise. By becoming a master in your niche, you're setting the stage to magnetize your ideal audience, build trust, and plant your brand firmly on the map.

    A. Acquire the Right Skills

    Stepping into the entrepreneur life calls for wearing, like, 32 hats. From mastering the art of marketing and sales to getting savvy with finances and tackling problems head-on, building a toolkit of skills is key for lasting success. Adopt a growth mindset and embrace perpetual learning to stay ahead in the game.

    💡One fabulous trick? Devour business and mindset books – snag them for free at your local library. So, your initial investment? Just a bit of your time.

    R. Reach Your Target Audience

    A brilliant idea alone won't take you far if you don't connect with your target audience. Develop a deep understanding of your ideal client and craft compelling messages that resonate with them. Harness your She-Ra: Princess of Power energy. Lean into the power of digital marketing, social media, professional networking events, email blasts, and industry conferences to engage your audience to captivate your crowd and plant your flag.

    T. Track and Adapt

    In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, make sure you regularly monitor your progress, measure results, and adapt your strategies accordingly. Wrap your arms around a data-lovin' mindset, dissect those crucial numbers, and be game to switch gears when it calls for it.

    Staying nimble and perpetually polishing your strategy puts you on the runway to enduring success.



    03. Research and validate business ideas

    Once you have a sense of your skills, passions, vision, and goals, it's time to research and validate potential business ideas:

    • Market research becomes your compass in identifying viable opportunities. Start by understanding the industry landscape and trends related to your business idea. Want to start a virtual coaching business? Hunt for gaps, overlooked niches, or blossoming markets ready for you to dive into.

    • Conduct surveys or interviews to gather insights from your target audience. Roll up your sleeves and chat up your potential peeps through surveys or interviews. Who's your dream client? Chat with a few folks who can spill the tea on their struggles, wishes, and readiness to shell out for a solution. This golden feedback helps tailor your biz offerings to snugly fit your future customers' needs.

    • Create a minimum viable product (MVP). Planning a products-based business instead of services? Create a MVP. This is a scaled-down version of your product or service that allows you to test its feasibility and gather feedback before breaking the bank. Your MVP should zero in on a key problem or benefit for your target people. Gauging the market vibes towards your MVP lets you tweak and polish your offering based on real talk from the real world.

    As a solopreneur, you have the advantage of flexibility and autonomy in your decision-making.

    By pouring your heart into this stage, you boost your chances of launching a biz that strikes a chord with your audience, and lays the groundwork for a rich and rewarding entrepreneurial ride.


    🦄 Hey, you there! Read me!

    If you’re reading this and getting bogged down and overwhelmed, then don’t worry about it! REALLY.

    Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress. For example - If you know what you want to do, and don’t have anyone you want to survey, just skip that part.

    These are all best practices, not prescriptive things you MUST do in exactly the right order.



    04. Develop a solid business plan

    A well-crafted & thoughtful business plan is definitely a nice-to-have. While it might not be the end-all and be-all, it’s a stepping stone to entrepreneurial success and is highly recommended.

    • Outline your business objectives, strategies, and that sweet spot — your target market.

    • Dive deep into understanding your audience: their desires, likes, and the hurdles they face.

    • Hone in on what makes you stand out. Define your unique value proposition that sets you apart from competitors.

    • Finally - let’s talk money. Create a financial plan and budget to ensure your business is surviving, thriving, and sustainable.

    I’ve whipped up a simple Business Plan outline to kickstart your journey ↓

    Note: It may be best to hire or consult with a professional coach if this step is a key part of your strategy.


    Craft Your Business Plan:  a 7-Point Outline

    1. Executive Summary: Kick things off with a snappy overview of your brilliant business idea. Share your mission, target market, unique sparkle (value proposition), and those all-important financial forecasts.

    2. Company Description: Dive a little deeper into describing your business. Share details like the legal structure, locale, any dream team members, and a brief history, if applicable.

    3. Market Analysis: Time to play detective! Investigate your target market's size, demographics, trends, and competitors. Spot opportunities and hurdles in your industry landscape.

    4. Products or Services: Here's where you shine. Detail the products or services you're bringing to the table. Highlight their features, benefits, and how they'll be the solution to your customers' needs.

    5. Marketing and Sales Strategy: Lay out your master plan for drawing in those customers. Pinpoint your target audience, marketing avenues, pricing strategy, and sales magic.

    6. Operational Plan: Break down the nitty-gritty of your day-to-day hustle. This includes production, inventory management, tech needs, and any collaborations or outsourcing you're considering.

    7. Financial Projections: Lay out your financial crystal ball with projected income statements, cash flow, and balance sheets. Remember to toss in key assumptions and revenue, expense, and profitability forecasts.

    A business plan serves as a roadmap for your entrepreneurial journey.

    It should be well-researched, realistic, and adaptable. Regularly review and update your plan as your business evolves to stay aligned with your goals and market conditions.

    05. Build your professional network

    Cultivating a strong professional network is essential for your growth and success (and sanity. lol) as a new business owner.

    Network with like-minded individuals and fellow entrepreneurs who can provide guidance and support. Embrace industry groups and associations to mingle with potential clients, collaborators, and mentors. Seek out mentorship opportunities to learn from experienced professionals who have walked the path before you. 

    🦄 If all of that feels overwhelming out of the gate, join a few Facebook groups to get started, or follow industry-specific YouTube channels, podcasts, or Subreddit groups. Once you've dipped your toes in, expanding your network will start to feel like a breeze!


    06. Set up your legal and financial foundations

    Listen, I’m NOT a legal expert. But I know enough to know that laying down a strong legal and financial foundation is key to running a legit and thriving business.

    Start by picking the right legal structure for your venture, be it a sole proprietorship, S-Corp, or an LLC.

    A little foggy on the distinctions? Here’s a link to a handy little primer on the differences between Sole Proprietorship, S-Corp, and LLC from Up Counsel.)

    Next up, roll up your sleeves and register your business. Obtain any permits and licenses you'll need to operate smoothly.

    And let's talk money – setting up separate business banking accounts is a must (I can't stress this enough!). Put in place accounting systems to keep tabs on your finances with precision.

    I am not a lawyer, and this information does not constitute legal advice. It's always recommended to consult with a qualified legal professional to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations for your specific business situation

    📚 Dive deeper: 

    • Read Profit First, a book on business accounting that's packed with invaluable insights and tools. Sure, some parts felt a tad overwhelming as a new business owner, but the accounting techniques were super helpful. It's definitely a resource I'll keep coming back to as my business blossoms.

    • Need a business bank account? I can’t recommend Novo Bank (that’s an affiliate link!) enough! I’ve been with them for 4+ years and they make things super easy - plus they have ‘reserve’ systems so you can activate your Profit First learnings right away.


    07. Create a strong brand identity

    A powerful brand identity draws your audience in and keeping them engaged for the long haul.

    When your brand is consistent and authentic, it builds trust and makes you unforgettable in a sea of competitors. It's your unique fingerprint in the business world, setting you apart and showing the world why you matter. Dive deep into your brand, and watch as it becomes a beacon for your ideal audience.

    Stumped on where to begin? Let's break it down with the ABCs!

    A. Audience Understanding

    Once you have an understanding of your target audience's needs, aspirations, pain points, and language, you can tailor your brand message to resonate with their desires and address their challenges.

    Lean on customer research, feedback, and personas to truly get into their heads and communicate in a way that clicks.

    B. Brand Voice and Tone

    Define your brand's voice and tone that aligns with your target audience and brand personality. Decide whether you want to sound formal, chummy, witty, commanding, bubbly, and so on.

    Consistency is key – make sure your brand message consistently rocks this voice across all touchpoints, creating a cohesive and unmistakable brand vibe.

    C. Craft a Compelling Brand Narrative

    that engages your audience and conveys your brand's values, mission, and unique selling propositions.

    Share stories that hit home – your brand's journey, triumphant customer tales, or the impact you're making. Harness the power of storytelling to stir emotions and forge a powerful bond with your audience.

    📚 Dive deeper: 

    Launch your website confidentially with this FREE checklist


    08. Develop a marketing and sales strategy

    An effective marketing and sales strategy will help you reach your target audience and grow your business. 

    Start by pinpointing your ideal customer profile, diving into their unique needs and preferences like a detective on a mission. Whip up a marketing plan that artfully blends both online and offline strategies. Harness the power of social media, content marketing, and SEO to amp up your visibility and draw customers in.

    By understanding and serving your audience just right, you set the stage for business growth and blossoming success.

    👩‍💻 Dive deeper: 


    09. Take action and embrace growth

    The transition from being an employee to being your own boss can be daunting, FO SHO, but embracing change and growth are a key aspect of finding success as a new entrepreneur.

    Be open to continuous learning and acquiring new skills to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape.

    Embrace innovation and stay ahead of industry trends.

    Remember, growth and success come to those who are willing to step outside their comfort zones.


    Becoming your own boss and designing a life you love is an empowering and rewarding journey.

    I’m not gonna sugar coat it, it can also be frustrating and really really hard sometimes!

    But by dreaming big, working hard, and being ready to grow and embrace change, you absolutely can transform your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.


    Partnering with business owners and creators to grow successful businesses through strategic web design services and easy-to-use digital tools, templates and guides.

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