June 2023 Recap - Business Growth & Website Enhancements

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    JUNE 2023 Recap

    In the Business

    • Finishing up a family-run digital marketing agency Squarespace website located in Portland, Oregon

    • Completing my first Design In A Day website built for an executive and leadership coach in Northwest Arkansas

    • Working with an (amazing) artist to build her art portfolio site

    • Signing on a new client based in Texas who’s in the property management/short-term vacation rental industry

    On the Business


    • Invested in an SEO for Copywriting course from a woman Forbes calls ‘The Pioneer of SEO’. How cool! She’s been in the world of SEO since the 1990s, and has a lot of really helpful and actionable content in her course. I just started it, and am hoping to not only deepen my knowledge of SEO, but start offering SEO services to clients within the next couple of months. 

    • Purchased a Graphic Design Masterclass on Udemy on supa sale!

    My website

    • Added more custom code to my website, including borders around text boxes and images for a more aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-read look.

    • Added hot pink to my color palette, because who am I kidding, and why did it take so long?

    • Moved my portfolio to the home page so website visitors can see my past works right away.

    • Added new testimonials to my website 🙌

    • Minimized the website audit service and introduced my new Design In A Day service. Now I offer two services - Two Week Web Design and Design In A Day. My goal is to have one Two Week Website service and two Design In A Day services every month for the rest of this year. 💃

    • Continue to write and publish two blog posts every week on Monday and Thursday, 10:10 am PST. 

    Other website work

    • I got dressed up to be a witness at a friend’s courthouse wedding (🥰), and had an extra 20 minutes to spare —

      So I did what I’d been thinking about doing for months: I set up my little phone tripod and took a few photos of me working. It’s (definitely) not professional level, but my website desperately needed some updated photos of me not drinking hot wine at a German Christmas Market in 2019.


    • Decided to offer my past clients referral bonuses for the remainder of this year so they can benefit from a lil boost while I grow my business.

    • Decided to offer my Facebook friends a discount on my Design In A Day services - the first three to book get a 20% discount (which is quite steep and the marketing gurus on the internet do not recommend this, but I like trying new things just to see how it goes!)

    • Decided to keep my website pop-free. Most ‘industry’ folks say to gloriously sprinkle pop-ups throughout your website. They say that even though people say they get annoyed by a little pop-up asking you to subscribe to their newsletter, download their freebie, or purchase their course, most people still enter their email address. Pop-ups have high conversion rates, period.

      So why am I NOT using pop-ups? Well, I’d rather have people opt in to my newsletter or freebies because they WANT to, not because I annoy them until they say yes. 😜 I want people to have a pleasant experience on my website. And I make my newsletter very obvious in my footer on every page, and there’s a tiny announcement bar at the top with a freebie download, so it's easy to find if you want to hear from me.

    • And finally, I decided to launch my newsletter sooner than I planned. I originally intended to wait until I hit 50 subscribers, then 25 subscribers, but now I’m thinking, I’m just gonna for it! I really have no reason to wait. I’m currently at 16 subscribers. Starting in mid-late July I’ll begin sending out my weekly newsletter. Interested in subscribing? Sign up here, please and thank you! 🙏


    No travel this month! Just workin’. 

    Books I read in June

    • A New Kind of Country. Dorothy Gilman. A memoir by one of my favorite authors about her solo move to Nova Scotia in the 1970s. Incredible.

    • The Miracle Morning:  The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life: Before 8AM. Hal Elrod. I surprised myself by liking this! There were a couple of takeaways from this book that I really enjoyed. More below on how I incorporate them into my daily routine.

    • Obsessed: Building a Brand People Love From Day One. Emily Hayward. A book about how some brands build obsessive followings from Day One. Interesting read, but not terribly pertinent to what I’m doing at the mo.

    • Everything is Figureoutable. Marie Forleo. I had never heard of her before the last couple of months, but apparently she’s a Big Deal in the entrepreneur world. I started the Audiobook, and got around halfway through, before just not feeling connected to the author and her style.

    • Thursday Murder Club. Richard Osman. Cute cozy mystery set in a retirement home in the English countryside.

    • Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear. Just started, so I’ll probably finish in July. I like Elizabeth Gilbert and am enjoying this book so far. I love the supposition that ideas and inspiration are alive and float around the world looking for places to land. How, well, magical! ✨

    Note: I read the majority of my books through the Libby app, though occasionally I’ll buy or borrow one. All links above go to Amazon, and are not affiliate links.


    I incorporated a few things from The Miracle Morning into my morning routine. Now when I wake up, I immediately:

    • Get out of bed and brush my teeth and wash my face before drinking a big glass of water

    • Stretch for a bit, usually while I’m walking around my apartment reading my daily affirmations off my phone

    • Look at my digital vision board (I make one every January 1), visualizing what I want my life to look like.

    • And then I journal. I’ve started journaling in categories like:

      • Moments of delight

      • Gratitude

      • Wins/Accomplishments

      • Goals

      • Improvements

      I do NOT wake up at an extremely early hour like he recommends, I do not exercise right away, and generally I’m not meditating during my morning time either. I’m good with all of this.

    Things I’m loving

    • My new cordless vacuum - I’m not a lazy person, but I am generally a low-effort person. Since I got my new cordless vacuum, I’ve vacuumed like 90% more! I love vacuuming now!

    • Iced coffee - ‘tis the season!

    • Trader Joe’s Peach Black Tea Candle is back!

    • Laying in my little patio hammock on late afternoon weekends, reading a book (Thursday Murder Club, last week), and drinking chilled orange wine with my boyfriend

    Coming Up


    • Client work

    • Finish the SEO copywriting course

      • Start offering SEO packages to clients

    • Organize my desktop & Canva storage

    • Create another value-packed freebie

    • Grow my email list 💫

    • Create a Tools & Resources page

    • Figure out Squarespace’s Impact Dashboard so I can start offering my website readers (that’s YOU) 10% off your Squarespace websites!


    • Continue going to the gym at least three times a week

    • Hike at least once a week (training for 👇)

      • 4 night backpacking trip at the end of July

    • Close friends from the Netherlands coming to visit, yay!

    • Figure out health insurance ughhh


    Partnering with business owners and creators to grow successful businesses through strategic web design services and easy-to-use digital tools, templates and guides.


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