How Project Management Can Save Your Business (And Your Sanity)

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    Your inbox is overflowing, your to-do list seems endless, and that brilliant idea you had?

    It's still just scribbled on a sticky note somewhere on your desk (or in your bag).

    😬 Sound familiar?

    As a business owner, you're probably rocking it in many areas, but when it comes to turning those BIG plans into reality, things might feel a bit... overwhelming.

    Maybe you've been meaning to launch that new service, but the details keep slipping through the cracks. Or maybe your website has been "almost ready" for weeks months now.

    Take a deep breath.

    You're NOT alone in this.

    A lot of successful small business owners and entrepreneurs find themselves drowning in tasks and ideas, unsure how to bring it all together. It doesn’t always show to the outside world, but it’s something A LOT of scaling entrepreneurs struggle with.

    That's where project management comes in - and trust me, it's not just for agencies or tech startups.

    What is Project Management (and Why Your Sanity Needs It)

    Project management is like your business's VA, OBM (online business manager), and therapist all rolled into one.

    It's the process of taking your big, exciting, dopamine-hitting, sometimes overwhelming, ideas and breaking them down into bite-sized, manageable pieces.

    Here's what project management does:

    • Takes your big visions and plans and turns them into very specific, actionable tasks

    • Assigns those tasks to the right people (even if that's just you) with clear deadlines

    • Makes sure everyone has what they need to get the job done

    • Keeps an eye on all the moving parts so you don't have to remember everything

    • Ensures everything is moving towards your end goal, even when you're pulled in a million directions

    👨‍🚒Without project management, it's easy to feel like you're constantly putting out multiple tiny fires, instead of moving forward.

    That new service launch? It might get delayed because you forgot to update your website.

    The website? It could fall flat because you didn't have time to create all the content.

    Project management helps you avoid these pitfalls. It can help you avoid feeling constantly overwhelmed, and actually making progress on your goals.

    Making Project Management Work for Your Business

    (Your Step-by-Step Guide to Taming the Chaos)

    Ready to bring some order to the chaos?

    Here's how to get started with project management to make your business easier to tackle:

    • Project Intake: Get (Pepsi) Crystal Clear on WHAT you're doing and WHY. (Gen X reference, sorry) What's the goal? What's your budget? When does it need to be done? This clarity will be your North Star when things get hectic.

    • Planning: Break your project into smaller tasks. Decide WHO’s doing what and WHEN. This is where the overwhelm starts to melt away - suddenly, that big scary thing looks a lot more manageable.

    • Execution: Use tools like Asana, Notion, ClickUp, or even a simple spreadsheet or to-do list to keep track of tasks and deadlines. The key is having everything in one place so you're not constantly scrambling to find (and re-find, and re-create) information and content.

    • Closure: Finish the project, reflect on what worked (and what didn't), and celebrate your success! 🥳

    • Pro Tip: Always give yourself more time and budget than you think you need. Things rarely go exactly as planned, and this extra cushion can save you a lot of stress.

    Need help getting your online business presence in order? Grab your free checklist here ↓

    Your Project Management Questions Answered

    Q: Do I need fancy software to do project management?

    A: Absolutely not! While tools can be helpful, you can start with something as simple as a notebook or a spreadsheet. The most important thing is having a system that works for you. There are a lot of free or low-cost tools that can help. Check out my Client Onboarding blog post for tips & recs, including a section on recommended tools.

    Q: How do I stop my projects from spiraling out of control 🙃?

    A: LOL I hear you! Set clear boundaries from the start. If new ideas come up, decide if they're worth changing your original plan. Have an area to write them down so you can keep track of them. It's okay to say no to things that don't serve your main goal. You can always come back to revisit.

    Q: Can project management work for small teams AND solo business owners?

    A: 100% yes! Even if it's just you, breaking down your work into manageable tasks and setting deadlines can make a world of difference in how productive and focused you feel.

    I know ‘project management’ can seem overwhelming, but it really ISN’T about adding more to your plate - it's about making your plate more manageable (and delicious).

    Ultimately it’s about creating your method and processes. Learn what works well and what doesn’t, and iterate to make your system better. 


    Partnering with business owners and creators to grow successful businesses through strategic web design services and easy-to-use digital tools, templates and guides.

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