How to Create SOPs That Actually Work for Your Business

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    Running a business often feels like juggling way too many tasks at once. While you can't clone yourself, you CAN create the next best thing: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

    These handy dandy guides can bring order to your workday and help your business run more smoothly. And when your business runs more smoothly, you have more time to focus on growing it and making money. Instead of getting stuck on small, repeatable, distracting daily tasks, you can put your energy into the work that really makes a difference. It's a great way to make your business more profitable just by being more organized.

    What Are SOPs - and Why Should You Care?

    SOPs: Your Business's Instruction Manual

    SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) are kinda like recipes for your business tasks.

    They tell you how to do specific jobs, step by step. Just like a recipe helps you bake delicious cinnamon rolls the same way every time, SOPs help make sure those tasks are done the same way, no matter who's doing them.

    Here's why SOPs can be great for your business:

    • They help keep your work consistent.

    • They cut down on mistakes.

    • They make it easier to train new team members.

    • They can show you where you might automate tasks (which is another great way to save time & brain space!)

    • They free up your brain space for more important strategic business things.

    Example: Let's say you're an online course creator who has a small team helping you. Without SOPs, you might handle student questions or tech issues differently each time, or things might slip between the cracks. With an SOP, you'll have a clear process to follow, making sure every student gets the same helpful support. And your VA or other team members will know exactly what to say, minimizing inconsistent info or mistakes. This consistency can lead to better reviews, more word-of-mouth referrals, and ultimately, more course sales.

    Creating An SOP

    How to Write an SOP (That People Will Actually Use)

    Now that you know WHY SOPs are helpful, let's talk about HOW to create one.

    1. Pick a Process: Start with something you do often, or that's really important for your business. For example, "How to Reply to Customer Emails."

    2. Get the Details: Talk to the people who usually do this task. What steps do they follow? What tools do they use? (Hint: it’s better if the person who actually does the job writes down the details)

    3. Write It Down: Include these key parts:

      • Title: Be specific (like "How to Answer Customer Service Emails").

      • Why: Briefly explain why this SOP matters.

      • What's Covered: Define what the SOP includes (and doesn't include).

      • Who's Responsible: Note who typically handles this task.

      • Steps: List out the process in clear, simple language. Be SUPPPPEEEERRRR detailed.

      • Tools Needed: Mention any software, logins, or anything else required.

    4. Test It Out: Give it to someone else to see if they can follow your SOP to do the task. See if anything is unclear or missing, and make changes as needed.

    Tips for Writing Clear SOPs:

    • Use simple words and short sentences.

    • Break big tasks into smaller steps.

    • Add pictures or diagrams if they help explain things.

    • Keep it short and sweet – aim for clarity, not length.

    Making SOPs Work for Your Business

    Creating SOPs is just the beginning. To really benefit from them, you need to actually use them in your day-to-day work - and keep them up-to-date.

    Here's how to make SOPs work:

    1. Share with Your Team.

    2. Make Them Easy to Find: Keep your SOPs somewhere everyone can access them easily. A shared folder on Google Drive works great, or you can use something like Notion too.

    3. Get Feedback: Make sure your team can voice anything they know that can help improve the SOPs based on their experiences.

    4. Keep Them Current: Set aside time (I recommend quarterly, but any time that works for you and your team works) to review and update your SOPs. Your business will change over time, and your SOPs should too.

    5. Use Them Yourself: As a business owner or manager, make sure you're following the SOPs too. Your team is more likely to use them if they see you doing it. Plus it’ll save you brain space for more creative or strategic focuses.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1: How long should an SOP be?
    A: There's no set length. Make your SOP as long as it needs to be to explain the process clearly, but try to keep it very clear. Basically be detailed and throughout, but not verbose.

    Q2: Do I need SOPs for every single task in my business?
    A: Start with the most important tasks, and the most repeatable. You can then create more SOPs over time as you see the need.

    Q3: I work alone. Do I still need SOPs?
    A: Yes! I think so at least. SOPs can help you stay consistent and efficient even when you're working solo. Plus, they'll be super helpful if you ever decide to bring on help or sell your business.

    Creating SOPs might seem like a big job at first - and it is - but it's worth it. SOPs help you work more efficiently, make fewer mistakes, and feel more in control of your business. Which means you have more time to focus on growing your business and making money.


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