6 Irresistible Lead Magnet Ideas to Grow Your Email List (With Examples)

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    Building an email list is important because it creates a community of people who are genuinely excited to hear from you. And while it’s great to grow your list, you also want to continually nurture connections with folks who value what you have to offer.

    But how do you convince people to join your list in the first place?

    👉 That's where lead magnets come in.

    A lead magnet is a free resource (‘freebie’) you offer in exchange for someone's email address. It's a way to provide immediate value to your potential subscribers while growing your list.

    But not all lead magnets are created equal.

    First — Not All Lead Magnets Are Created Equal

    Before we get going with the lead magnets that work, it’s important to note that not all lead magnets are created equal.

    The worst offenders?

    Long, time-consuming, and/or non-actionable lead magnets like eBooks, extensive courses, and hefty PDFs.

    This isn't necessarily because your subscribers aren't interested, but because these formats can be too overwhelming or time-consuming. People need quick wins. The key is to offer something that delivers a quick win, while still providing genuine value.

    Now, let's look at the six lead magnets that really work:

    1. Five-Day Email Course

    A 5-day email course is a terrific way to showcase your expertise while also providing tangible value. People love learning in bite-sized chunks, and this format gets them used to opening your emails regularly.

    To create an email course that's brimming with value:

    • Choose a specific topic your audience is eager to learn about.

    • Break it down into five distinct lessons.

    • Keep each email focused and actionable.

    • Add your unique spin on it to show why you’re someone who knows what they’re talking about!

    Recommendation: I use and love ConvertKit (affiliate link) for my email marketing platform.

    Here’s an example for a YouTuber’s email course lead magnet:

    Course: 5 Days to Better YouTube Shorts

    Day 1: Finding Good Video Ideas

    • Learn ways to come up with video topics

    • Find out what kinds of Shorts people like to watch

    • Your task: Write down 5 ideas for your own Shorts

    Day 2: Making Your Shorts Look Good

    • Learn how to film good videos with your phone

    • Find out about easy-to-use editing apps

    • Your task: Film and edit a 15-second Short

    Day 3: Getting More Views

    • Learn how to write titles that get clicks

    • Find out which hashtags can help your videos be seen

    • Your task: Post your Short and use at least 3 hashtags

    Day 4: Growing Your Audience

    • Learn how to get more subscribers

    • Find ways to connect with your viewers

    • Your task: Add a message asking people to subscribe in your next Short

    Day 5: Understanding Your Results

    • Learn the basics of YouTube's viewing data

    • Find out how to use this info to make better videos

    • Your task: Look at how your Short did and plan your next one

    I don’t know, I just made that up, but that’s something I’d love to get from a successful YouTuber! In each email, you could share a tip from your own experience. For Day 4, you might say: "When I started asking viewers to subscribe at the end of my shorts, I got 50 new subscribers in a week. I'll show you exactly how I did it!"

    2. One-Page Cheat Sheet

    A one-page cheat sheet is small but mighty. It’s great because they’re easy to tack and give a quick win. Focus on a single, specific topic that your audience can use repeatedly.

    Here are five cheat sheet idea examples from business owners in different industries:

    • Food Blogger : "2-Minute Food Photography Setup"

    • Fitness Coach: "Easy 5-Minute Home Workout"

    • Freelance Conversion CopyWriter: "Headline Formula Finder"

    • Etsy Shop Owner: "Write Your Product Description Easier With These 6 Steps"

    • Social Media Manager: "3-Step Weekly Content Calendar Template"

    Use Google Docs, Notion, or a printable PDF to create your Cheat Sheet freebie.

    3. Checklist

    A good checklist breaks down complex or overwhelming processes into doable steps. It's versatile and can be applied to a lot of different topics in your niche. The trick is to make it thorough yet brief—substantial enough to provide real value, but not so demanding that it overwhelms the reader.

    Here are five checklist idea examples:

    • Website Designer: "The 'Never-Miss-a-Thing' Website Launch Checklist: 10 Steps to Go Live with Confidence"

    • Online Course Creator: "From Zero to Course Hero: 7 Fail-Proof Steps to Launch Your First Mini-Course"

    • Podcast Host: "The 'Oops-Proof' Pre-Recording Checklist: 8 Must-Dos for Hiccup-Free Podcasting"

    • Virtual Assistant: "Inbox Zero in 5 Steps: The Ultimate Email Management System for Frazzled VAs"

    • Digital Artist: "Price It Right, Every Time: 6 Steps to Nail Your Commission Rates Without Second-Guessing"

    Use Google Doc, Google Sheets, or Notion, to create your Checklist freebie.

    4. Done-For-You (DFY) Template

    DFY templates are time-savers for your audience. Whether it's a content calendar or a project management spreadsheet, these templates give your subscribers a head start on important tasks. A truly useful template can become wildly popular, attracting a steady stream of new sign-ups.

    Here are five template idea examples:

    • Social Media Manager: "30-Day Content Calendar Template: Never Run Out of Post Ideas Again!"

    • Freelance Writer: "The Ultimate Pitch Email Template: Land More Clients with Less Effort"

    • Online Fitness Coach: "12-Week Workout Planner: Your Roadmap to a Fitter You"

    • Small Business Owner: "Annual Marketing Plan Spreadsheet: Plot Your Path to Growth"

    • Wedding Planner: "The Complete Wedding Day Timeline Template: Ensure a Stress-Free Big Day"

    Use Notion, Google Docs, Airtable, or ClickUp to create your DFY Template freebie.

    5. Quiz

    People love learning about themselves. This makes quizzes one of the most popular lead magnets! They're interactive and can provide personal insights. Plus, they can be fun! As well as give you valuable qualitative information about your audience's needs and preferences, which’ll let you segment your list for more targeted follow-ups.

    Here are five Quiz idea examples:

    • Career Coach: "What's Your Dream Career? Discover Your Perfect Job Match in 5 Minutes"

    • Personal Stylist: "Find Your Signature Style: A Quiz to Unlock Your Fashion Personality"

    • Nutritionist: "What's Your Ideal Diet? Uncover Your Perfect Eating Plan"

    • Life Coach: "Discover Your Top 3 Core Values: The Key to Making Better Life Decisions"

    • Financial Advisor: "What's Your Investor Personality? Find Your Ideal Investment Strategy"

    Use Interact, Tally, Google Forms, or TypeForms to create your Interactive Quiz lead magnet.

    6. AI Prompts

    With the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, etc etc, etc, many people are interested in learning how to use this tech, but aren't sure where to start. Creating a set of AI prompts for your niche can be a fabulous lead magnet. Make sure you provide prompts that are specific and uniquely valuable to your target audience.

    Here are five AI Prompt idea examples:

    • Content Creator: "50 AI-Powered Blog Topic Generators: Never Face Writer's Block Again"

    • Etsy Shop Owner: "25 Product Description Prompts: Use AI to Boost Your Sales Copy"

    • Graphic Designer: "30 AI Art Prompts: Spark Your Creativity and Create Unique Designs"

    • Entrepreneur: "20 Business Idea Generation Prompts: Let AI Help You Find Your Next Venture"

    • Social Media Influencer: "40 Engaging Caption Starters: Use AI to Boost Your Social Media Presence"

    Use an email with a direct link, or create a Google Doc or Notion to share your AI Prompts lead magnet.

    OK these ideas are all just random ideas, but I tried to make them relevant, so you could at least see which ones might be best for you to create!

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    Choosing the Right Lead Magnet for Your Audience

    The best lead magnet for you will depend on your audience, your niche, and your goals.

    Here are some tips to help you choose:

    1. Know your audience: What problems are they trying to solve? What skills do they want to learn? What are their dreams? Fears? Goals?

    2. Consider your expertise: What unique knowledge can YOU share?

    3. Think about your goals: What kind of relationship do you want to build with your subscribers?

    4. Test different formats: Your audience might prefer checklists over quizzes, or vice versa. Don't be afraid to experiment.

    Promoting Your Lead Magnet

    Creating a great lead magnet is only half the battle. (Sorry.) After you create it, you then need to get it in front of your potential subscribers.

    Here are some ideas to promote your lead magnet:

    1. Feature it on your website: Use pop-ups (I know they’re annoying, but they work. Just keep ‘em off mobile, and set a timer for a visitor to be on your site before popping up), hello or announcement bars, in your footer, and have a dedicate landing page.

    2. Share it on social media: Create graphics in Canva and share to Insta, FB, TikTok, LinkedIn, wherever your ideal client hangs out.

    3. Mention it in your content: If you're blogging or creating videos, find natural ways to mention your lead magnet. In fact, I suggest that you create content SPECIFICALLY to highlight your freebies and products.

    4. Collaborate with others: Guest post on other blogs or appear on podcasts and mention your lead magnet.

    5. Use paid advertising: If you have the budget, consider using platforms like Facebook or Google Ads to reach a wider audience.

    Put in the effort to make your lead magnets as helpful, unique, and high-quality as possible.

    And here's a final cheeky thought: you don't necessarily NEED a lead magnet to start your newsletter. Some successful creators grow massive, engaged lists by consistently providing value in their newsletters. Make your regular content so good for people that once they pop, they can’t stop.

    Ready to get started? Pick one lead magnet idea from this list and give it a shot. Your future subscribers are out there, eager to hear what you have to say.


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