Sleaze-Free Networking Tactics: Growing Your Business Authentically

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    Networking doesn't have to feel forced or uncomfortable.

    In fact, I think ultimately, it's really just about connecting with people and providing value.

    This guide will show you how to build meaningful connections that can help your business grow, both online and in person. We’ll explore some practical, authentic ways to expand your professional circle — without resorting to pushy sales tactics or cringey DMs.

    Overcoming the Fear of Selling (And Being Yourself)

    Let's address the elephant in the room: the fear of selling.

    A lot of us run away from networking because we're terrified of coming across as pushy or fake. (Or maybe we're just awkward, introverted or socially anxious and break out in a cold sweat at the thought of small talk 😅) But here's the thing: all of us entrepreneurs are selling something, whether it's our products, services, or ideas.

    The trick is to shift your mindset.

    You're not "selling out" if you're offering something you truly believe in. You're really sharing a solution that you believe could make someone's life easier. When you look at it that way, networking becomes LESS about selling and MORE about connecting and actually helping people.

    And good news for the awkward and anxious among us: your quirks and unique personality traits can be your secret weapon. Being your authentic self - awkwardness and all - can make you more relatable and memorable. People appreciate genuineness, and actually can find it refreshing in a world of polished elevator pitches.

    Here are some ways to embrace your authentic self while networking:

    1. Be upfront about your nervousness if you feel it.

    2. Use your listening skills if talking feels uncomfortable.

    3. Share your passions - your enthusiasm can be contagious.

    4. Embrace your quirks - they can start memorable and/or authentic conversations.

    5. Be gracious to yourself if an interaction doesn't go smoothly.

    Tip: Write down what scares you about selling or networking. Then, challenge those fears. Are they even real? How can you turn them into positives?

    For example:

    🫠"I'm too awkward to network" could become "My quirkiness helps me stand out and make real connections."

    🤑 "I don't want to seem like I’m a sleazy sales bro" could become "I'm offering valuable solutions to people who actually need them."

    😶‍🌫️ "I'm not outgoing enough for networking" could become "My chill introverted vibe helps others feel comfortable around me."

    Focus on the good stuff you're bringing to the table. Instead of trying to “close a deal” or “land a client”, think about how your product or service can genuinely make someone's day better. This can naturally lead to more real conversations and stronger connections.

    The Foundation: Building Real Connections

    When you're networking, focus on building genuine relationships, not just promoting your business. Let your real personality shine through, whether you're connecting online or off.

    In-Person Networking

    At business events, create genuine conversations:

    • Ask thoughtful questions: Instead of the standard "So, what do you do?", try "What inspired you to start your business?"

    • Listen actively: Pay attention to the other person's responses. You might find common interests or ways you can help each other.

    Tip: At your next local business meetup or coworking session, challenge yourself to learn about another attendee's biggest current challenge. This can lead to productive discussions and opportunities to share valuable insights.

    Online Networking

    The same principles apply online, too:

    • Engage authentically: Comment on posts with insightful, personal, enthusiastic or funny thoughts specifically related to the post, not just generic praise.

    • Share valuable content: Post articles, tips, or experiences that others in your industry might find helpful.

    Tip: Join a LinkedIn or Facebook group related to your industry. Share an article about a technique or tool you've found useful, and ask others for their opinions or experiences. This can spark thoughtful discussions and lead to new connections.

    Giving Value: The Key to Lasting Relationships

    Networking works best when you focus on how you can help others, not just what you can gain.

    Don't just sell, sell, sell – provide real value to your connections.

    • Offer help freely: If you have knowledge or resources that could benefit someone, share them without expecting anything in return.

    • Make introductions: If you know two people who could benefit from knowing each other, offer to connect them.

    Tip: Create a weekly or monthly email newsletter sharing industry insights, helpful resources, and spotlighting different members of your network. This provides value to your connections and keeps you top-of-mind.

    Combining Both Online & Offline Networking

    Networking today usually involves a combo of both digital and IRL strategies.

    👉 Here are some ways to create a well-rounded approach to non-sleazy, authentic marketing:

    1. Do online research before online or offline meetings. Check someone's LinkedIn or website before grabbing a real or virtual coffee with them. This gives you conversation starters, and shows you're interested in who they are, and their work.

    2. Turn online chats into real-life connections. If you've been talking with someone in a Facebook group, suggest a video call or meet-up if you're nearby.

    3. Share what you learn with your online communities. Went to a cool workshop? Write about it and post on social media. This can start interesting conversations and help others learn, too.

    4. Keep your brand story consistent across all platforms. Make sure your LinkedIn, website, and in-person introduction and about sections all align. This helps people understand who you are and what you're about, no matter where they meet you.

    5. Keep in touch after in-person or digital meetings. Connect on LinkedIn or Instagram (or whatever platform you use) or send a follow-up email after meeting someone. You could also use a simple spreadsheet or notes app to remind yourself to check in with people regularly.

    Tip: Try setting up monthly video chats with different people in your network. It's a good way to stay connected and grow your network.

    Pre-Marketing: Setting the Stage for Natural Networking

    We’ve talked about different networking strategies, but you might be wondering how to make them work together smoothly.

    This is where “pre-marketing” comes in handy.

    Pre-marketing is about building interest, trust, and recognition long before you start actively networking or selling.

    Think of pre-marketing as planting seeds that will grow into strong networking connections later on. It's a natural extension of the value-giving approach I talked about earlier, but done consistently over time. By regularly sharing what you know, your experiences, and your insights, you create a solid base that makes future networking feel more natural and less forced.

    Pre-marketing connects your everyday online activities (like participating in community discussions) with more active networking (like going to events or reaching out to people directly). When you finally connect with someone, they'll already have a good idea of who you are and what you do.

    👉 Here are some ways to incorporate pre-marketing into your networking strategy:

    1. Share your knowledge freely: Start a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel where you offer helpful tips or resources related to your field.

    2. Document your process: Use social media to give behind-the-scenes glimpses of your work. This could be sharing your design process, explaining how you tackle projects, or discussing challenges you've overcome.

    3. Be active in online communities: Participate in industry-related forums or social media groups. Answer questions, offer advice, and share your experiences without expecting anything in return.

    4. Create valuable resources: Develop free guides, templates, or tools that your target audience would find useful. This shows your expertise and gives people a taste of what it's like to work with you.

    5. Tell your story: Share your journey, including both successes and failures. This vulnerability can make you more relatable and build stronger connections with your audience.

    Tip: Consistency is key in pre-marketing. Set a realistic schedule for creating and sharing content, even if it's just once a week or twice a month. Regular, valuable content keeps you top-of-mind and builds trust over time.

    Effective networking involves a mix of in-person personality and charm with digital strategy. If you focus on building genuine connections, offering value, and letting your authentic self shine through, you can create a strong network that supports your business growth naturally — and sleaze-free.

    Struggling to make sure your website is ready for all those new connections?
    👇 Grab the Ultimate Website Launch Checklist and make sure everything’s set for success—without the overwhelm! 👇


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