How (and Why) To Optimize Images in Squarespace
In this post I'm sharing how to optimize your images in Squarespace — both WHY you should care and HOW to actually do it.
Images are what bring websites to life. They tell your story, showcase your work, and help visitors connect with you on a human level. Without them, even the most well-written site feels flat.
But there's a problem. Those beautiful, high-resolution photos you love? They can make your site load at a snail's pace. And nobody — not your visitors and definitely not Google — appreciates a slow website.
Image optimization is just reducing file sizes without making your photos look like garbage.
When you optimize your images, your site loads faster, visitors don't get frustrated and leave, and search engines rank you better. Everyone wins.
I've worked on countless Squarespace sites where simply fixing the images made everything run so much smoother. So let's walk through how to optimize your Squarespace images so you can have a site that's both beautiful AND fast.
01. Understanding Image Formats
Here’s a quick breakdown on how to choose the right image format for your Squarespace website.
JPEG - usually lower quality than a PNG, but it’s smaller size, and typically the best choice for your website
PNG - high quality but typically larger than a JPEG. You want to use PNG for any transparent images (ie logos)
SVG - great for logos and icons that need to be scaled without using losing quality. Large in size. Use sparingly.
✍️ TIP: If you’re using Canva, I’ve found that if you download the original image or graphic as a PNG, and then convert to JPG and resize, the image quality tends to look crisper.
02. Sizing and Scaling Images
When it comes to making your website run smoothly, getting your image sizes right makes a huge difference.
Why? Massive images slow everything down. Your visitors get impatient waiting for pages to load, and Google notices too, potentially pushing you down in search results. Nobody wins.
Before you upload anything to Squarespace, take a minute to resize it properly. Your future self will thank you.
✍️ Tip: For Squarespace sites, aim to keep image files under 500KB, but 250KB is even better. For dimensions, stick to 1500 pixels or less on the longest side.
This sweet spot gives you images that look great on everything from phones to big monitors without turning your site into a sluggish mess.
03. Image SEO
Image SEO just means making your images work for you in search results. Google doesn't just read your text - it looks at your images too when deciding where to rank your site.
Taking a few extra minutes to optimize your images can help more people find your website, which means more potential clients or customers coming your way.
Here's how to optimize your image SEO:
1.Give your image files descriptive names that make sense
Let's say Helen runs a local photography business.
Instead of uploading a file called "helen4.jpg" (which tells Google absolutely nothing), she should name it something like "Helen-Hernandez-Photography-Portland-Fashion-2025.jpg".
When naming your images, include relevant details like your business name, location, and what services you offer.
✍️ TIP: Use hyphens or plus signs between words - not underscores or spaces.
Note: Each photo needs its own unique name. An easy way to handle this is adding a number at the end, like: "Helen-Hernandez-Photography-Portland-Fashion-2025+1"
2. Add alt text and title tags to your images
To add alt text in Squarespace:
Click on your image
Hit the pencil icon to edit
Scroll down to the "Image Alt Text" section
Type in your alt text
Click "Save"
Note: Good alt text actually describes what's in the image. This helps with SEO and makes your site accessible to people using screen readers because they have visual impairments.
Key Takeaways
Good image optimization makes your site faster, keeps visitors happy, helps everyone access your content, and makes Google like you more.
Choose the right file type for each image, and make sure they're properly sized and named.
Aim for image files under 500 KB, but 250 KB is even better if you can manage it without sacrificing quality.
For dimensions, keep your images at 1500 pixels or less on the longest side.
Following these image tips in Squarespace might seem like a small thing, but it makes a huge difference in how your site performs. Your visitors will thank you with their attention (and hopefully, their business).