The Art of Writing Effective Website Copy

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    Copy is one of the key components of a successful website.


    It's how your brand speaks, shares what’s important, and lets folks know about your brilliant offerings. It's about getting your message and values out there to your future peeps!

    In our world of fleeting attention and fierce competition, crafting copy that snags your audience and nudges them into action—while staying true to your authentic vibe and keeping it un-sleazy— is crucial.

    So today let’s talk about how you can ace the game of penning powerful website words, shall we?

    Moira knows the value of a good copywriter.

    Let’s explore three must-haves for irresistible website copy.


    01. Know Your Audience

    Crafting great website copy begins with getting into the hearts and minds of your people. Know what keeps them up at night, and what they're daydreaming about.

    What does that mean?

    Well, what are they struggling with? What do they want?

    Dig into your audience's world to find out what drives them and the hurdles they're jumping over. Use these nuggets to whip up copy that speaks directly to their needs and desires.

    ✍️ QUICK TIP: Wanna know how to do the research? Here are my top two methods:

    • Join groups where your audience hangs out. Pop into Facebook groups, Subreddits, Discord groups… wherever your people hang out. Pay attention to their vibe, emojis (or lack thereof), challenges, and dreams.

    • Ask on your own network! If you have a friendly following on your own networks like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or your email marketing list, send out a poll or survey with targeted questions. I use Tally for this! (That’s an affiliate link, but it’s totally free to sign up.)

    02. Focus on Benefits, not Features

    One classic blunder in website copywriting? Going overboard on features and skimping on benefits.

    While it’s important to communicate what your product or service does, it’s even more important to explain how it benefits the customer. Benefits are what motivate people to take action, so make sure you’re highlighting the benefits of your offerings in your copy.

    So  - what’s the difference between features and benefits? 

    Features are the characteristics or attributes of a product or service. These are the physical or tangible aspects that the product or service has. For example, a car's features might include a navigation system, vegan leather seats, or a sunroof.

    Benefits, on the other hand, are the positive outcomes that the customer will experience as a result of using the product or service. Benefits tell your customer how those features are gonna make their lives a whole lot sweeter. For example, the benefits of the car's navigation system might include getting to destinations more easily and efficiently, the vegan leather seats might provide a more comfortable ride, and the sunroof might allow for a more enjoyable driving experience.

    In short, features describe what the product or service has, while benefits explain why your people should care and how it will improve their life.

    It's important for business owners to focus on benefits in their marketing and messaging, because customers are more interested in HOW a product or service can solve their problems or meet their needs, rather than just its features.

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    03. Write for Scanners

    People don’t read websites. They scan them.


    Read it again:

    People don’t read websites. They scan them.

    If there’s one thing I can impress on you in this post, it’s that. People don’t want to read a novel on your website! They want to know who you are, what you offer, and how you can help them. That’s it.

    Guide your reader's attention with engaging subheadings and sprinkle in bold, italic, and underlining occasionally to help draw your readers’ eyes to important points.

    To capture your audience’s attention, your copy needs to be easy to scan. Think short paragraphs, catchy headlines, and strategically placed bullet points.

    ✍️ TIP: If you have a lot to say and really want your visitor to know everything about your business, background, ideology, or services, don’t put it on your About page, for example. This is a GREAT example of where having a blog for your business comes in very handy!

    Read more:

    7 Benefits of Blogging for Your Business

    How to Easily Create a Blog Post in Squarespace (free checklist)!


    💡For a superb resource on copywriting, check out The Copywriter’s Handbook by Robert Bly (get the latest edition for examples that include ‘modern’ marketing like websites and email marketing lists). 

    Writing effective website copy requires a deep understanding of your audience, and the ability to craft compelling messages that motivate them to the action you want them to take, like subscribing to your newsletter, buying something, or contacting you for a consult.

    Watch as your words turn casual browsers into your newest loving fans who just can't wait to click and connect on your site!


    Partnering with business owners and creators to grow successful businesses through strategic web design services and easy-to-use digital tools, templates and guides.

    Creating a Website that Tells Your Brand Story: A Beginner’s Guide


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